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OK so I am back and forced into a home day. We are experiencing blizzard conditions and most of Des Moines has shut it’s doors tight. John was supposed to make it in to the hospital for surgery but ended up in a snow drift one block from home safe but not making it in to work.

Last night we spent about an hour or more out in the white stuff playing with shovels and Dad snow blowing lucky for us our driveway is clear because of it! Just the 4 foot drift against the garage door to clear now Ha Ha!

We had a lot of fun! And now we are tucked into our home for the foreseeable future.

I will get going on my bragging later today or tomorrow, I am not done with that either!

Here is what you really came for though how about a Kindergarten joke to hold you over?

What goes Oh! Oh! Oh?
Santa Clause walking backwards 🙂

1 thought on “SNOW!!!!

  1. Love the photos of your girls in the snow!! It is cold here too. I think the worst is over for now. Stay warm sweet girl. Mama

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