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Blogging Challenge 3/21 -Pearl of Wisdom

Well I am up again this week in the GIS Blogging challenge. At least these challenges keep me writing! This morning I was not sure what to challenge my fellow bloggers to writing about and then sitting in church my Pastor shared a lovely quote or what my Grandmother would have called a “pearl of wisdom”. You know, that small bit of advise that in it’s simplicity sums up life. So here is a pearl that Pastor Quinton discovered in his reading this past week;

First rule of holes: When you find yourself in one, stop digging!

Of course Pastor Quinton went on to explain how this fits into our Christian walk and relationship of resting in Christ. It was a wonderful message and as always he is an amazing speaker. The quote or pearl grabbed me this morning and I found myself scrambling for my pen. So simple and so true. When life keeps piling it on and you keep getting deeper and deeper into commitments and busyness the first thing you have to do is STOP DIGGING! Don’t try to reorganize, and re-energize until you stop the continual pile up of commitments you keep accepting. This fits in with the business many of us face as Moms, wives and workers, where do we draw the line where do we say no, and if we do not we just keep getting deeper. It also fits in with the book I am reading “The Happiness Project”. The concept of uncluttering your life so you can experience what you have to it’s fullest before it passes you by.

Any hoo, it touched me. I liked the sentiment, the humor, the simplicity and the thought. So obvious, yet not so easily accomplished. So this week I will try to remember, every now and again I need to stop digging!

Happy Sunday!

2 thoughts on “Blogging Challenge 3/21 -Pearl of Wisdom

  1. Gram would definitely agree–that was a pearl! I think I am getting so much better about the "digging". It is a lot less frequent. Mama

  2. I liked this a lot. I am going to put it on my list for Art Journal class. Thanks Michelle.

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